New Kayaker Nadine Shares Her Story

nadine evans new kayaker

“My first experience kayaking was this weekend and it was with one of your products. I had a blast!!!” When we received this comment from Nadine Evans, we knew we wanted to hear more of her story.

What makes someone a kayaking fan right out of the gate? Here’s what Nadine shared with us…

Nadine’s Background

Nadine has always been active. As a teen she was in volleyball, running, and cheerleading, and she stayed active as an adult. But she had never tried water sports.

Then a move from Texas to Ohio introduced her to the water sports world as she saw her fellow Ohioans on the water constantly.

“It’s like a rite of passage,” Nadine said. “You’re not really from Ohio unless you’re on the water! So I thought, why not try water sports? Especially in the summers, it’s a great way to stay active and stay in shape.”

First Kayaking Experience

Nadine was on a date with a man who had two kayaks. When she told him she’d always wanted to try kayaking, he offered to take her out on a local river. She jumped at the chance.

“The funny thing is, when I actually saw the kayak on the river, I froze! I was scared to do it. But he said, ‘No, you said you wanted to do this!’ So I said, yeah I’ll try it. Then I saw how well-balanced it was. And the paddle was very light and made it easier. I could just maneuver it. That’s what shocked me the most—it was so easy.”

Nadine found kayaking very relaxing. She was working out, but it didn’t feel like it because of her motion on the water.

nadine evans, new kayaker
Nadine Evans, an excited new kayaker!

Is Kayaking in Nadine’s Future?

Absolutely, in fact, Nadine has already joined a local kayak meet-up group. (Her first excursion with the group is just two days from this interview—she doesn’t waste any time!) This is with a group of women, which she looks forward to.

To be part of the group Nadine will need her own gear. She had such a good experience with her friend’s Slice paddle, she’s looking for the same one for herself.

Nadine’s Advice to Other Wanna-Be Kayakers

“Just do it! Add it to your bucket list, put your fears aside and do it. You can’t let fear get in the way. If you can try it with a group or an experienced person it’s better. You’ll have support.”

Nadine has learned it’s important to use good equipment right away to be sure that first experience is positive. She was glad to have her friend recommend the Bending Branches Slice to her. That recommendation, plus using it herself, has given her the confidence to make a good purchase.

“When you use the cheapest product and it doesn’t work, then you have a bad first experience. When you start off on a good foot with the proper equipment, it makes a world of difference. That’s what I learned!”

(All photos courtesy of Nadine Evans)

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