Paddlers making paddles

Most small businesses start by the founder having a problem in their lifestyle or hobby, and out of necessity, build a product themselves. Our company was no different. However, what makes our paddles so good today is that most every employee at Bending Branches is a paddler. We design our product based on our own research and we build it to better the sports we love.

Eric Jackson

Brandon Johnson

Mechanical Engineer

Brandon Johnson

Eric Jackson

Brian Boyea

VP of Sales | Senior Leadership | Owner

Brian Boyea

Eric Jackson

Cory Novinska

VP of Operations | Senior Leadership | Owner

Cory Novinska

Eric Jackson

Jason Eccles

President | Senior Leadership | Owner

Jason Eccles

Eric Jackson

Kate Wright

Marketing Manager | Senior Leadership

Kate Wright

Eric Jackson

Mac Sandberg

Director of Revenue Growth and Innovation | Senior Leadership

Mac Sandberg

Eric Jackson

Mark Eskro

Controller | Senior Leadership

Mark Eskro

Eric Jackson

Micah DeLong

Hometown: Inside Sales & Customer Service

Micah DeLong

Eric Jackson

Oliver Dressel

Purchasing and Inventory Manager

Oliver Dressel

Eric Jackson

Sara Sigsworth

Purchasing & Inventory Assistant

Sara Sigsworth

Eric Jackson

Seth West

Social Media Guru

Seth West

Eric Jackson

Sharon Brodin


Sharon Brodin

Eric Jackson

Susie Kadlec

Hometown: International Sales & Marketing Manager

Susie Kadlec