Paddling Education

Cosmetic Seconds FAQs
Want to know more about our cosmetic second blades? This article discusses how we determine what is a cosmetic second and accompanying frequently asked questions.
How to Purify Water when Canoe & Kayak Camping
No matter how clear and clean backcountry water looks, there’s no guarantee it’s safe for people to drink. Microorganisms in wilderness waters can cause an array of nasty consequences, from mild to severe.
Best Canoe Camping Spots in America’s Upper Midwest
Backcountry canoe camping is a pretty amazing way to spend a few days. You always have a lakeside campsite. You can fish, swim, relax. You can paddle from site to site or stay in one spot.
Canoeing and Kayaking Safety in Stormy Weather
Let’s look at some of the weather hazards canoeists and kayakers may encounter, especially if you’re in remote or wilderness areas with no chance of getting to shelter.
Learn About Canoes & Canoeing, Part 2
In this second part of filmmaker Jason Eke’s 2-part series “Master the Canoe” for beginning paddlers, he discusses the topics of loading your gear, canoe safety, how to choose a paddle and the most important paddle strokes.
Our Best Tips for Large Kayakers, Kayak Anglers and Canoeists
Here at Bending Branches we’re passionate about getting people out on the water. All people—no matter their age, ethnicity, size or shape.
Learn about Canoes and Canoeing, Part 1
Filmmaker Jason Eke has canoed most of his life. With this video he begins a 2-part series for beginners on how to canoe. Since he records the video while he’s in the boat, viewers get to see some beautiful Canadian wilderness along with the instruction.
Bending Branches’ Quality Assurance Process
Ensuring that our canoe, kayak and kayak fishing paddles are of the highest quality is our top priority here at Bending Branches. Our definition of “quality” includes durability, light weight and cosmetic appeal.
How the ACA Supports Paddlers
The American Canoe Association (ACA) has supported people involved in paddlesports since 1880—more than 140 years. ACA began in the United States and now has 15,000 members from around the world.
What It Means to Be a “Build to Order” Company
Here at Bending Branches we were already 20 years into our history when we switched from our previous “build to inventory” manufacturing process to our current “build to order” process.
One-Arm Freedom® Canoe Paddle for Adaptive Paddling
“Water is the most inclusive medium” says One-Arm Freedom canoe paddle inventor, Cindy Dillenschneider. A long-time believer in making the outdoors accessible to everyone, Cindy committed herself to developing an adaptive canoe paddle for those with upper limb impairments.
How to Make Perfect Canoe Trip Coffee
Want to go on a wilderness canoe trip but don’t want to sacrifice your good coffee each morning? You can learn how to make perfect canoe trip coffee for all your expeditions—the old-fashioned way.
"Paddle Like a Girl" Teaches Canoe Skills to Women
Paddle Like a Girl is a woman-owned business that teaches women the skills they need to plan a backcountry canoe trip.
Safety First: Dress for Immersion When Paddling
Paddling safety includes what you wear. The paddling rule of thumb is: dress for immersion, or: dress for the water temperature, not the air temperature. Why? Because there’s always a chance of capsize when you’re on the water.
Should You Buy a Solo or Tandem Canoe?
So you’re shopping for a canoe and you know most of your paddling will be solo. Should you buy a solo or tandem canoe? That’s a good question!
Solo Canoeing Yellowstone’s Backcountry
“The novelty of paddling within an active volcano on a high elevation lake made my trip into Shoshone a unique paddling experience.” ~ Jim Gallagher, wilderness canoeist
Choose the Right Canoe Paddle for Your Trip

Next to your canoe, your paddles are the most important gear for any canoe trip. But with so many to choose from, how do you know which one to use?

How to Size a Solo Canoe Paddle
Many canoeists enjoy the solitude and challenge of solo canoeing. If that’s you, and you want to know how to size a solo canoe paddle, you’re in the right place.
Should You Use a Straight or Bent Shaft Canoe Paddle? [Video]
Should you use a straight or a bent shaft canoe paddle? Paddle Tale’s Ken Whiting takes on this question in this video...
Canovélo: A Canoe & Bike Trip Through France
Paul Villecourt and Christian Barbier took a month for their le voyage en canoë + vélo—their canoe and bike trip—in May, 2021 in their native France. They dubbed their trip their Canovélo Tour.
Why We Fiberglass Our Canoe Paddles
Here at Bending Branches we believe in crafting canoe paddles that will last for decades. Adding a fiberglass wrap to most of our wood paddles is one process we use to ensure you’ll get those years of great performance.