Manage Your Paddle without Scaring the Fish

 Chad Hoover standing by his fishing kayak

Bending Branches ProStaffer Chad Hoover offers kayak fishing anglers another helpful video on his YouTube channel: tips on how to manage your paddle when you’re hands are busy fishing.

This short but helpful video shows Chad’s favorite way to keep his paddle stowed away on his kayak without danger of losing it in the water or getting in his way. Stowing your paddle using his tips will ensure you don’t scare all the fish away, too!

Why You Should Have a Paddle Management Plan

What’s the big deal? Why not just lay your paddle down on the kayak while you fish?

As Chad points out, kayak fishing is an excellent way to be a stealthy angler. “You’re getting closer to the fish. You’re getting into water you’ve not been able to get to before. But you have to learn how to manage your kayak paddle when you're not using it, as much as when you are using it.”

When you drop your paddle on your kayak while you’re on the water “it will pretty much alert every fish in the area that you’re there,” he says.

So much for your stealth!

Many anglers like to lay their paddle across their lap while they fish so it’s easy to grab if necessary. That’s great while you’re sitting. But it doesn’t work when you want to stand up to fish, or if you like to switch from sitting to standing regularly.

YakAttack’s RotoGrips

Chad uses YakAttack’s RotoGrip Paddle Holders and combines them with side mounts, 90º mounts and extenders to position them the way he likes them on his kayak. This gives him several different options for managing his paddle depending on whether he’s sitting or standing, and how easy he wants it for a quick grab.

kayak paddle attached to fishing kayak

YakAttack has a couple of blog posts for the DIYer on how to use and mount these nifty tools. Read and watch the video for Elevating the RotoGrip Paddle Holder, and read How To: Offset RotoGrip Paddle Holder for step-by-step instructions.

a place for the kayak paddle on the fishing kayak

The Bottom Line

Chad concludes, “Nothing, in my opinion, is more frustrating to an experienced angler and more detrimental to fishing in shallow water—no matter what level experience you have—than banging your boat with your paddle.”

Don’t lose big fish by not paying attention to the way you manage your paddle when you’re in your kayak! Having a thought-out plan and using gear made for that purpose will go a long ways in having a place for everything, including your paddle.

What paddle questions can we help you with today? Get in touch with our Wisconsin-based Customer Service Team: 715-755-3405 • [email protected]

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