Fish from a Tandem Kayak

3-minute read

Can you fish from a tandem kayak? Of course! Here are some things to consider if you like the idea of a tandem fishing kayak.

 dad and two sons in a tandem fishing kayak on the water

Tandem fishing kayaks are a super way to get young children on the water (photo courtesy of @jstamps17)

Why Tandem Kayaks can Work Well for Fishing

One of the best reasons to invest in a tandem fishing kayak is to help teach others to kayak fish. It can be a friend, a spouse, a child—anyone you know who would love to get on the water with you.

Tandem kayaks are especially good for new anglers who are novice paddlers. With a tandem, they still get practice paddling to and from your fishing spots, but they don’t have to concern themselves with positioning.

If you have young children, tandems are ideal. They get to fish with you even when they’re too young to handle their own kayak. And when they’re old enough, you still may prefer them with you on certain waters or in certain conditions.

Using a tandem makes it easy for the stern angler to teach the bow angler some fishing tips and tricks, while he or she paddles along the shoreline or positions the kayak for accurate casting.

Do you fish alone but want to bring your (large) dog along fishing? A tandem can be the answer to that, too. As long as you can trust your dog to stay in the boat, a tandem allows more space for both of you, plus your gear.

What to Keep in Mind about Tandems

Tandems are longer and heavier than single kayaks, because they need to allow space enough for two adults.

This is a good time to point out that buying a cheap tandem isn’t a good option! It’ll be harder to maneuver, slow and probably shorter than you want. You’ll be much happier investing in one by a reputable fishing kayak brand.

Also, if your purpose in buying one is mainly to fish, then opt for a fishing kayak, not a touring (sit-inside) kayak. You’ll have much more room for your fishing gear, it’s easier to get in and out of, and more stable on the water.

 Dad and young son in a tandem fishing kayak while older boy cannonballs into the lake

(photo courtesy of @jstamps17)

Tandems, because of their extra length and additional seat, cost more than single fishing kayaks. However, it’s more budget-friendly to buy one tandem than two singles. You only need storage space for one, and you’ll only be transporting one.

Fishing in a Tandem Kayak

There are a few things you’ll want to be aware of when fishing from a tandem kayak—very similar to the considerations when fishing from a tandem canoe:

You need to be careful of flying hooks. Two people will be fishing very close to one another, so both need to be more aware of where their hooks are flying. This is an excellent way to teach young anglers to be aware of their surroundings!

There’s more chance of a capsize if a novice paddler, child or large dog gets over-excited. Be sure you’re both wearing your PFD in case the unexpected happens. It’s also a good idea to have items in dry bags that need to stay dry, and keep gear you’re not using (like your paddle and extra rods) fastened to the boat, if possible.

As you need to be anytime you kayak fish, always be aware of the water temperature, even if the air is warm. If you want to fish in cold water, make sure everyone is dressed for that chance immersion. No one wants to end up hypothermic.

You can certainly fish alone from a tandem kayak if your paddling skills are up to snuff. If you do, you’ll want to weigh down the bow with gear so it’s not sticking out of the water. It’ll be easier to steer and position.

PaddlingSpace suggests their favorite tandem fishing kayaks.

Great Days Outdoors and Brooklyn Kayak Co offered good inspiration for this post.

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