Even if You Rent Canoes, Buy Your Own Paddle! Here’s Why
5-minute read
If you love canoeing but prefer to rent canoes, it’s still absolutely worthwhile to invest in buying your own canoe paddle. There are several reasons for that…

(photo courtesy of Scottie Peterson)
Just because you love to canoe doesn’t mean you own one—or should own one. Many people are happy to rent. They simply don’t have the space to store a 16 or 17-foot boat or the means to transport one to and from their paddling destinations. Or they don’t want to invest a thousand-to-four-thousand dollars in their own canoe.
Most people would then assume they should also take whichever paddle the rental company gives them (and PFD—but that’s a story for another blog). But nine times out of ten, these rental paddles will NOT elevate your canoeing experience.
Being that your paddle is your motor (have you ever thought about that?) using the right paddle is even more important than being in the right canoe.
When you use your own canoe paddle…
Your Canoe Paddle will be Sized to You
Sizing a canoe paddle is strategic, not happenstance. Your paddle’s length matters to both your comfort and your performance while on the water.
Rental outfits always have a variety of paddle lengths to choose from, but they may not have the one that’s sized perfectly for you every time. Or ever.
When you buy your own canoe paddle and bring it with you every time you rent, you know your paddle fits you. There’s no guessing involved. “What will I get this time?” Not only the paddle’s length but its blade shape and size.
All these factors affect your canoeing enjoyment. While you may not have noticed it when you’ve rented in the past and use the outfitter’s one-size-fits-all paddle—you’ll immediately feel the difference when you use one that’s sized right for you.
You Can Choose Your Paddle’s Comfort and Weight
Another difference you’ll notice immediately is how comfortable (or not) a paddle is in your hands, and in your shoulders after using it for several hours. Most outfitters buy the cheapest paddles they can get because they’re rentals. They get abused, lost and broken regularly. We don’t blame them for that—it’s part of being a rental outfit.
But the cheapest paddles are also the heaviest. They almost always have an aluminum shaft, which gets very cold on your hands if the air is chilly.

(photo courtesy of Adirondack Lakes and Trails Outfitters)
When you buy your own canoe paddle you can choose one that, like ours, has an ovalized shaft that fits your hands nicely. You can choose one made of wood or carbon that never make your hands cold. You can even choose the type of grip that’s most comfortable on your hands.
You can also choose the weight of your paddle, something most people don’t think about until they get the chance to use one that’s extremely light. Then they realize what they’ve been missing out on!
A lightweight, comfortable paddle can keep you going all day long with less fatigue, less shoulder and wrist strain, and less day-after soreness.
You’ll Always Have a High-Performing Canoe Paddle
Many experienced canoeists own a plethora of paddles (is that like a gaggle of geese?). They like one blade design for one canoeing environment and another design for a different environment. Maybe they like wood for one use and carbon for another.
Even if you buy yourself just one good canoe paddle, you can choose one that will give you the best performance for the type of canoeing you enjoy the most.

(photo courtesy of @Chris_murnyak)
You Can Choose Straight Shaft or Bent Shaft
Maybe you want to take advantage of the ultra-efficiency and ease of a bent shaft canoe paddle. Very few canoe rental outfitters offer bent shaft paddles in their collection. And even if they do, the chances that it’s the right size for you are slim.
You can beat those odds by investing in your own. A bent shaft model is designed to make paddling a canoe effortless and easy on your back and shoulders.
If you have joint issues but still want to canoe often, it’s even more important to buy your own paddle. We have several bent shaft options at all price points. We even have a double-bent model for the very best ergonomic experience.
Your Bending Branches Canoe Paddle is a Lifetime Investment
When you choose a Bending Branches canoe paddle, you don’t just get a perfect fit and great performance. You also get extreme durability, even with our most affordable recreational paddles. Each one comes with our patented Rockgard® edge protection and marine-grade varnish.
If you’re looking forward to a few decades of canoeing, it’s absolutely worth the investment to buy one of our tripping models. These paddles have more Rockgard protection along the blade plus 2-4 layers of fiberglass wrap.
It’s not uncommon for us to hear from customers who have been using the same Bending Branches since the 80s and 90s! Take care of it well, and it’s good for 30+ years. That’s a lot of canoe rentals!
Your Canoe Paddle Can Double as Wall Art
Something else we hear all the time is: “My Bending Branches paddle is so beautiful I want to hang it on my wall!”

(photo courtesy of Martin Trahan)
Yes, that’s intentional. We take great care in handcrafting our canoe paddles. Each one is made to order from select woods that are combined in specific patterns. They’re not just durable and highly functional—they’re gorgeous.
During the paddling off-season, your canoe paddle will look amazing as wall art!
Click here for more on choosing the right canoe paddle for you.
See our entire collection of canoe paddles.
What paddling questions can our friendly Customer Service team help you with? Contact us here: 715-755-3405 or [email protected]
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