How Kayak Fishing Makes You Healthier

Did you know kayak fishing isn’t just fun? It adds to your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Here’s how…

kayak fishing is healthy!

Outdoor Empire has a post called “11 Reasons Fishing Makes You a Healthier, Happier Person.” We thought we’d take a look at those reasons as they specifically apply to kayak fishing:

Nature Heals

Those of us who love being in a natural environment—on water, in the mountains, in a park, among trees, on a trail—already know how nature can both relax and invigorate us. Did you know nature can help us heal, too?

A 1984 study by Robert S. Ulrich, PhD, found that hospital patients whose windows overlooked trees had a faster and easier recovery time than those patients whose only view was a brick wall. They needed less medication and experienced fewer complications.

Even if you’re fishing is in an urban area, you’re still experiencing nature just by being on the water.

Nature Lowers Blood Pressure

Studies show that spending as little as 30 minutes a week in nature lowers high blood pressure. There’s something about being in a “green space” (even if that space is in or near an urban setting) that gives us a sense of calm.

Paddlers instinctively know the calming effect of being on the water, too. When you fish from a kayak, your connection to the water is even closer than fishing from a motor boat or the shore.

Sunshine is Our Friend

Of course we want to be careful with over-exposure, but the sun also gives us wonderful benefits. Decreased depression, increased bone strength, stronger immune system and healthier skin all are linked to healthy sun exposure.

Nature and Activity Both Strengthen Mental Health

It’s been well-documented that physical activity of any kind gives us a mental and emotional boost. Add that to the boost we get from being in nature, and we get a two-for-one deal.

The same study that showed lower blood pressure from nature (see above) showed nature also eased depression and anxiety.

Kayak fishing is a great way to take advantage of the brain and mood-boosting benefits of nature and physical activity.

Kayak Fishing is a Low-Impact Calorie Burner

Anytime you move your body you burn calories. Paddling to your spot, casting, reeling in your catch…all are using energy and muscle strength. Even just carrying your kayak from your vehicle to the water.


If you stand—at least part of the time—when you fish, even better. Did you know studies have found that sitting for long periods of time is as bad for us as smoking and obesity?

So even if you sit and fish most of the time, try to get on your feet every 30 minutes or so. It’ll help with stretching stiff muscles, getting your blood flowing again, and using more calories.

Kayak Fishing Can Help Keep Our Brains Sharp

There are some fascinating correlations between ways we can keep our brains stimulated and kayak fishing. Here are things you naturally do as a kayak angler that help keep your brain sharp:

  • Continually learn
  • Use all your senses
  • Build Confidence

Fish is a Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol Protein

If you keep your catch for the dinner table occasionally you’ll benefit from healthy protein, as well as omega-3 and Vitamin D.

Kayak Fishing Can be Relational

While many kayak anglers like the solitude of fishing, there are relational benefits to tap into, too. The kayak fishing community is loaded with friendly folks who are generous with their time and know-how.

Kayak fishing is a super way to introduce kids, whether your own or others, to both paddling and fishing. Passing on your experience is one of the best ways to keep this great activity thriving.

Kayak fishing is fun and challenging whether you participate every day, once a week, every other month or just a couple times a year.

Knowing the healthy benefits you get from it may just be the push you need to get out more often!
(Read Outdoor Empire’s original post…)

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